Security is absolutely vital with the digital world continually evolving Cyber criminals are targeting those that are not prepared. No longer is it a case of we might get hit by a cyber attack or threat it is now when will you be targeted.
Gone are the days of hacking a website for notoriety today it is all about making money. Are you at risk? Do you know if you are secure and taking all possible steps? Do your staff know how to recognise a targeted email?
Oschora have years of experience working with and securing Global organisations and can bring that knowledge to you. We specialise in helping companies protect themselves and follow a four step methology consisting of the following:
- Identify your IT and Technology Risks: A solid footing it required to build your security defence on and without understanding what you have and where the weaknesses are, if any, you cannot move forward.
- Understand your Operational Processes: From understanding your daily operational processes we can look at the weaknesses in these and identify improvement areas and remediation plans.
- Recommend and define the appropriate security measures that need to be taken. This could be anything from gaps in security products to protect your company to training required by staff.
- Agree and define a clear implementation plan and associated costs.
To know more and understand how Cyber security is relevant to us please Contact US and we will be happy to discuss with you.